Saturday, April 9, 2011 3:53 PM
Spinning empty bottles

BUMBUMBUM HI! Gosh it's been heck long since I last posted :/ Guess that alone says that school's really been insanely busy! ... Or I'm just really lazy now hahahaaaa. Anyway from now on I'm going to actually utilize this blog (ew trololol, "blog"'s such a weird word.) in a way that's not going to contribute to my already-overly-abundant procrastination. So YES YOU ALL KNOW WHAT THAT MEANS :)
Oh yeahhhhh, it's major reflection time again.
Hahaha am I the funniest person or what. (... k that was a bit of an ego overload.) But uh, yeah I think I actually mean it this time. I'm pissed with how I'm so near to burning out thanks to pressure from all sources, I'm pissed with how much I've been slacking off and procrastinating, I'm pissed with every single stupidass thing that decides to pop out of nowhere, interfering with me and my sad life. Sorry I was just being way too much of a drama mama. I am/was/will always be (that's kinda dangerous) kidding.
Year 3, so far for me, hasn't been the most fun I've had, obviously. And I have to acknowledge that by now! Continuing to leave everything to the last minute isn't going to help, and yeah me typing this right now isn't helping either, BUT WHATEVER SHUT UP, I'M REFLECTING HERE. HA HA HA (excuse my insanity plz). I'm just a little sad cos I could be doing so much more with my free time, but I just choose not to, or simply can't because of the workload and all that. Like, I could very well be editing the whole day for TreasureTisdale, actually sew what I have in my sketchbook, sit down and just freaking paint or something. A lot of stuff that I know I can definitely find time to do if I weren't in an environment with drama and stress emerging all of a sudden. I'm not sure if anyone else feels the same way as I do, but I do honestly think that I'm sort of in between "caring-too-much-about-everything-when-you-shouldn't" and "have-no-idea-how-to-handle-things-properly".
Also, does anyone else think that you could be doing something so much more other than trying to catch up on the syllabus in school, or you know, being on Tumblr the whole day? (I know very well that I'm not going to get a reply out of that, so shoo -_-) Because I definitely feel that way. But then again, who cares, right? Other than yourself, of course. Guh. Typing all this yadayada did help though, yay. Yay me, cos I thought of it. So yay.