Friday, October 8, 2010 5:21 PM
I had to do this
I know the EOYs are still on (psh only one left!) but I just had to post this here the moment I saw it on my TreasureTisdale dashboard. Plus, I'm gonna have the entire weekend to study for the science papers on Monday. And I just came back from a near-3-hour ordeal I.E. MATH EXAM, give. Me. A. Break. Pretty sure I'm gonna be crashing all the way till 10am in the morning tomorrow or something. Okay enough blubber (heh blubber nuggets - from Fairly Odd Parents - sound bizarrely tasty btw :p ... I'm kinda disgusted at myself but heck.), let's goooo! :D

1 - Did you watch the first airing of the movie on Disney Channel?
What kind of silly question is that! OF COURSE I DID. I still remember the date, 26 June 2006 :))) One of the best days ever I swear hehehe. I even marked it down on my calendar and kinda counted down to it, hahahha. Only cos back then I was just like, "Oh cool! The girl on Suite Life (Ashley :D)'s gonna be in a movie!!", though I wasn't exactly obsessed with Ashley yet. In fact I only started my obsess-obsession (like FOR REAL) with her after I watched the first movie. Before that I was even more into HSM than I was into Ashley :p
2 - Favorite character.
3 - Least favorite character.
No one actually :p Especially since my favourite's the villain and antagonist of the movie, sooo, no one :) High School Musical has nothing for you to hate hahaha :p But uh, just remember that the person doing this quiz right now's a self-claimed known (known as in, you know, just the people who know me personally.) HSM freak, so. :)
4 - Favorite song.
Not just cos the fabulous Sharpay Evans sang it, also cos it honestly really inspired me to not give up on stuff, for real! Not even kidding, as cheesy as it sounds.
5 - Least favorite song.
I love them all! :3 But fine, just to satisfy the question, my least favourite would probably beee, uh, does the Asian version of Breaking Free count as part of the soundtrack? :l Okay I was really trying to think of another way to say "Asian Version" but that was printed on the soundtrack itself... No intention of racism at all I swear! I'm Asian myself too, so it'd just be stupid and ironic if I said I didn't like Asians wouldn't it -.- And I love that version actually, it's got a nice twist to it, but yeah the silly question asked for my least favourite so yeah :/
6 - Which character can you most relate to?
Ahhh hard one. I'm probably one of the kids who'll ask Sharpay for her autograph, so you know, one of the extra kids they have in the hallways. But they're not exactly identified in the movie, so I guess they don't really count as a "character", not even a minor one. So uhhh I think an identified character I can relate to the most would be... either Kelsi or Gabriella. Or Taylor, I dunno. A mix of all I think. Just definitely not Sharpay, hahaha :P Kelsi and Gabriella cuz they both have layers to them, like it takes a while before they truly get comfortable and express themselves more. Taylor cos, of the opinion thingum.
7 - Favorite picture of the cast.
:D I remember my very first MSN display picture I had wh
en I started obsessing over High School Musical, and I remember loving it like crazy heheh. It wassss, this one! :D
Uh I'd say every picture of them together would be my favourite cast photo, but my favouritestestestestestestest of all time would still be this one: (since this quiz's only on the first HSM I figured I should have a picture from that "era" :p aaand I have two more HSM quizzes to do, one on HSM2, one on HSM3 :D)

Wildcats. :)
8 - Video of your favorite scene.
Hands down. :D
9 - A moment in the movie that made you say “AWWWW!”.
I've got TONS of them! :) From the start till the end of the movieee, there's the moment when Troy and Gabriella just smile at each other for like 3 seconds at the end of The Start Of Something New - that was pretty AWW-worthy I guess, since that's like the first few minutes of their little romance heheh.
And then there's the moment when Gabriella says to Taylor, "Have you ever felt like there's this whole other person inside of you, just looking for a way to come out?". That moment really hit me actually :) Cos that's how I feel sometimes, how I'm afraid to just be whoever I wanna be, not caring about what others think, voicing out my opinions and all. I guess I got rid of that mindset already, I hope, at least :) Kinda sounds silly to those who don't have to go through that phase, but seriously, it does happen to people like me or anyone else, it IS something real and not something that's made up and put into movies and stuff. And I think HSM's the main reason I have that stuck in my head :)
AND (yes I'm not done! >:() there's the moment when Troy kisses Gabriella on the cheek, and she smiles back at the end of Breaking Free :) And of course the moment Jason takes Kelsi's hat off, and guides her to shoot a basket! :3 Aaaaand there's my favourite ;) (best for last!) When the AMAZING Sharpay Evans runs back to the gym, saying to Zeke, "These cookies, are genius! The best I've ever tasted!" and she ruuuns to him, "Will you make more for me Zeke?" and HUGS HIM FROM THE BACK! :D And he just replies, "I might even make you a crème brulée." with that super shyish yet cute smile on his face :3 and the movie ends :p
Ahh that was nice. It was like watching the movie for the 64th time in my head (uh, the other 63 times were either on my lappy, or on the telly haha, I don't usually watch it in my head. My favourite moments just replay in my mind :p sometimes.)
10 - What’s your secret passion that you would reveal during Stick to the Status Quo?
Well a lotta people were surprised when I told them I used to do Wushu, so probably that, hahaha. I'm through that already though, sadly :(
Ah wow. That was like 10 posts in one! :o Wonderful, I just found an excuse to not post for as long as I want :) No more obligations voot voot. Alvightiez I think I'm about to crash soon. Seeyeh non-existent readers!