Tuesday, September 7, 2010 11:28 PM
Bet shampain tastes weird

And I can't just give it away-ay-ay
I'm just going to hope this is gonna be a short post. Cos. I need to start editing pictures for
TreasureTisdale for today's tidbits (get it? :D I always say "truly treasure Tisdale tidbits", soooo the stuff I post on TreasureTisdale, are called tidbits! :D COOLIO HUH!! ... Shut up if you don't think so >:(
jk). Kk so here I go. Attempting to post a nice, short lil post.
So today was pretty darn awesome :) Cuuuuz we finally did the photoshoot! :D I'm not in it, of course, although I was in some of the candid ones. Went over to Kaizingalizzle's to use her garden and trampoline for our shots, and they really turned out super gorgeous! :) Thanks to the director/makeup artist/photographer Heleena Panicker ;) (hawhawhaw hope I made that sound all pro, and... professional.) And our amazing models are Emmazaza, Xiaoma and Zingalizzle :3 (ok even I'M getting annoyed by myself. With that nickname overload ._. Sorry, gonna cut down on that later haha :l)
So yepzzzzz we had 3 different photoshoots - Natural Beauty, which was really natural and candid and fun :) The cool (like really cool, as in eyeliner-almost-emo-but-not-there-yet-cool, not the um, my kinda... cool...) one, which was supposed to be in black and white, so it's pretty easy to imagine how awesome the shots turned out ;) They seemed pretty high-fashion to me, especially in one of the shots that Selma and Emma were posing with the windowsill :D Theeeen it was the fun one! The one with EVERYONE in it :D So yeah everyone was a model for this one hehehe. Just tons and tons of jumpshots, with pretty glitter makeup and rainbow-tie-dyed cloth :) So hippy and happy huh! That one was my favourite :)
... is this a short post? Of course it's not. VHATEVARRR. Psh.
SO ANYWAY (HAHAHA BET YOU THOUGHT I WAS GONNA END THE POST ALREADY COS YOU'RE ALREADY SO ANNOYED. RIGHT RIGHT RIGHT :D) But anyway yeah I was going to end this post. Then I remembered something else about today :) That's really kinda post-worthy :) I think I've grown out of my egg allergy! :D (yes la I'm allergic to egg -_- And 10283901 other things. Naw, just soya, nuts, shellfish. And egg. BUT NOT ANYMOREEEEE!! I think.)
I was eating Gramma KaiSing's currypuff, and had no idea it had egg inside, until Emma told me. I still spat it out in the end, but usually even if my SKIN touches egg, it swells up like CRAP. And this time I had a whole lot of it in my mouth! Normally I'd probably swell up, and itch really bad, but I really had no reaction AT ALL :D So yay hay hay - does this mean I can finally indulge in pastries and cakes like everyone else? ;) Who knows, I dunno, cos then again, it was just egg white - I'm more sensitive towards egg yolk soooo. I'm too afraid to experiment :l HEEEELLOO I MIGHT DIE OK! ... No I won't. I'll just swell up and turn red and itch like some dog with lice. Hm. Not like I'd actually like cake and pastries. Always hated the amount of cream they slap on them :/ And the smell. Gooooosh x.x Alvightz I think I blabbered enough today. PEACEOUTHOMEDAWGZ B) (yay Fred!)