Saturday, January 8, 2011 5:49 PM
Oh my lanta
Ah wow things changed a whole lot since... I don't even know. Things just changed alright, and that wasn't mean to sound corny/cheesy/emo/lame/whatever in any way. I'm just having my shit reflective phase again, but meh. After BLU, I can be pretty sure being reflective's not that big of a problem. Anyway, I had tuition with Ana today and she shared this book about sketchbooks (ha I know, sounds silly, but trust me, it was the damn opposite.) with me and something that's been sticking and clinging onto me for the longest time ever just emerged and hit me. The fact that I've been so afraid to make mistakes, or that I would disappoint anyone with my ideas, or simply the fact that I've been way too conscious of what others think of me/anything related to me.
At first I was just annoyed at how I've just stopped doodling (well uh, the VA teachers would call it sketching, but you know, "sketching" just sounds stressful now that I'm hearing it so much.) at all, and it was all because of my stupid ass mindset that every page of my sketchbook HAS to impress, and it HAS to be a so-called final artwork or something. Whatever it was, it just had to be idealistic and um, perfect. Sad, I know. But I've been a perfectionist/OCD neat-freak/maybe just a psycho for so long, that insane fear's become so natural to me. As if I can't get rid of it and that it's going to stay with me for the rest of my life. The book Ana showed me was filled with really cool sketches from a bunch of artists' sketchbooks, and of course they looked awesome. But there was definitely one common thing that made me feel like they were indeed sketchbooks (i.e. something that's going to be your best friend as long as you decide to keep your artistic self.) - their thoughts.
None of them gave a damn about who was going to get a hold of their sketchbooks, they just doodled. Most of the sketches aren't masterpieces, not even "aesthetically pleasing", I would say. But then again my dumb perfectionistic mind was probably interfering again when I typed that last sentence. When I was in primary school I used to sketch/draw/doodle (pick your favourite, psh.) every single day, just as long as I had free time. And I didn't care how other people might react to the drawings. I guess I didn't even know how to be conscious of something so silly. I mean, sure I might have gotten "compliments" and stuff and sure they gave me giant confidence-boosts, but what I really loved the most out of the entire process was imparting whatever shit I had up there in my head to those scrap pieces of paper I'd find under my gramma's Chinese versions of Reader's Digest. I'm really glad - no, relieved - I kept my doodles till now though. I honestly can't imagine what I'd be like if I actually ditched VA altogether, as corny as that sounds.
I guess what I'm really trying to say is, I just wish I won't have to get that who-cares-what-others-think template back again, but only cause I don't want to lose it again. GINORMOUS SIGH.
O my gawd did I just type all of that.